March 15, 2016 - I've used Nikon cameras and lenses my entire career. Priority 1 for me is excellent image quality. 2: Equipment durability. 3: Ease in use. Nikon gear has provided this for me for more than two decades of my shooting in all conditions, including hurricanes, tornadoes, blizzards, floods, even dust storms.


In 2010 I recorded a Nikon Podcast with host Mark Ellwood, contributing editor at Conde Nast Traveler, to discuss the gear I use and how it helps with my work. Click on the frame above to listen. It runs about 15 minutes. I still use a lot of the gear mentioned in the interview.



In 2008 Nikon asked me to shoot and review the pre-release D700. It was an amazing assignment full of weather challenges, including the May 8 tornado I ran up to. The camera did great and I still shoot with it. It's one of my all-time favorite Nikon DSLRs.



When the weather forecast and my schedule permit, I love sharing stories about how I capture my images. Nikon has featured me as speaker at PhotoPlus and Imaging USA, among other venues. In 2011, Nikon Learn & Explorer published my tips on how to photograph lightning which you can read here.



In 2014 and 2015, Nikon used a variety of my images in a weather photography campaign throughout Europe. I also appeared in an international Nikon commercial as part of their "I AM" campaign, featured here. How I captured this shot is a great example of needing to be able to trust your gear.


Photo credits (top to bottom): Michael Corrado, Jim Reed, Katherine Bay, Michael Corrado, Robin Lorenson.